The healthiest foods in the world (Part 1)
At this point there are enough different kinds of “health food” out there to make a girl’s head spin, but don’t worry – we’re here to help you out! We’ll show you the healthiest foods on the planet with the best nutritional values. Add them to your meals and get on the fast track to a super-healthy body!
Our favorite superfood! If you want to “age backwards” sack your plastic surgeon and instead help yourself to a bag of watercress. This spicy plant contains more vitamin C than oranges and four times more beta-carotene and vitamin A than apples, tomatoes and broccoli. It’s a fantastic source of iron, even more so than spinach and it contains a lot of antioxidants (good for your skin). Another great thing about watercress is that it’s usually grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, fungicides and very few pesticides.
Rich, creamy and flavorful - The avocado is a rather unique type of fruit. It is absolutely delicious, low in fructose and rich in healthy fat and potassium. Avocados provide close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including fiber, vitamin E, B-vitamins, and folic acid. Apart from eating them raw (yum!), you can use avocado as a fat substitute in recipes calling for butter or other oils. Adding it to your salad can increase the absorption of nutrients like beta-carotene by three to five times compared to salads without this tasty addition.
By the way, avocados are one of the “safest fruits” on earth since their thick skin protects the inner fruit from pesticides. This means that you don't need to spend your hard-earned money on organic brands – lucky you!
Quinoa is everybody’s darling in Hollywood and one of the world’s most popular trend-foods. And that’s for a reason! Known by vegans and vegetarians for several years now, quinoa has gradually become popular also with mainstream-foodies. Quinoa is loaded with protein, fiber and minerals but doesn’t contain any gluten. This means that you’re getting high quality protein without the cholesterol and fat that can come with animal sources. Quinoa also contains good carbs that don’t register very highly on the Glycemic Index, so your body can use them without converting them to fat later.
Did you know that fresh broccoli sprouts, for instance, do a lot more for you than the fully grown broccoli? The fact is that sprouts offer some of the highest levels of nutrition available, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that work as a kind of shield against free radical damage.
You can easily grow your own sprouts at home. Try alfalfa, sunflower sprouts, broccoli sprouts and watercress sprouts.
A smoothie without spinach? No way! This green superfood is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including potassium, calcium, zinc, folate, vitamin A, iron, and selenium. Spinach also contains flavonoids that protect your body from free radicals, while offering anti-inflammatory benefits and antioxidant support. Moreover, it is a good source of immune-boosting antioxidants that are important for skin and eye health.
Tomatoes are often underestimated. They are packed with nutrients, including a variety of phytochemicals that boast a long list of health benefits. Especially organic tomatoes are a great source of lycopene which, due to its antioxidant effects, even lowers the risk of a stroke and cancer. Interestingly enough, when cooked the bioavailability of lycopene increases rather than decreases. This is why cooked tomatoes, as in tomato sauce, are another healthy option for a balanced nutrition.