This is your Body without enough Water!
About 70 percent of an adult's body is made up of water. When we lose just a little bit of it through sweat and elimination, and we do not replenish lost liquid, we’ll begin to notice the effects to our health right away…
#1 You look older and more wrinkled.
Water plumps skin, fills in fine lines and wrinkles, and enlivens a dull complexion. Dry skin is less able to repair itself and generate new cells, which can cause the signs of aging to worsen. Hydrating your body can improve the look of wrinkles.
#2 Headache and Fatigue
The first sign of dehydration is the feeling of being tired. Some people also experience a headache. In fact a dehydrated person may have no enthusiasm or joy for life. The good news is once you start to drink some water your energy reserves speed back up and sometimes the headache completely goes away.
#3 You’re more likely to have health problems.
Higher water intake has been linked to decreased chances of kidney stones, urinary and colon cancer, and heart attacks.
#4 Constipation and Digestive Problems
If a person is not drinking enough water they do not have enough liquid to help with the elimination process and without eliminating the foods we digest we gain weight, gain toxins, and feel awful. Being constipated is the beginning to many health problems.
#5 You eat more.
A study found that people who drank two eight-ounce glasses of water before each meal, consumed 75 to 90 fewer calories while eating. Over three months, water-drinkers lost an average of five pounds more than the dieters who were parched.
#6 You’re in a bad mood.
In a study, researchers asked people to engage in 60 to 75 minutes of high-impact aerobic exercise without drinking enough water first. Others were properly hydrated. The dehydrated group was more likely to report feeling fatigued, confused, angry, depressed or tense.
#7 You’ll have to think harder to complete the same tasks.
Scientists found that the brain's of dehydrated teenagers had shrunk away from their skulls, and that when asked to play a problem solving game, they performed just as well as those who drank enough, but engaged more of their brains to do so. Drinking water restores the brain to its normal size.
So if you want to stay healthy, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day!
Source: Infographic and analysis from www.drinksoma.com