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We all know, that enough sleep is important to maintain our health. Now, new studies have shown, that our sleeping position may be another crucial factor in the quest for optimum wellbeing…


What side do you usually sleep on? On the right or on the left? Interestingly, experts found that when you sleep on your left side, you contribute to the health of many of your organs. By sleeping on the left side you support your organs activity. Among other functions, you improve your blood circulation and digestion. For many people, sleeping on the left side may be the ticket to better health and better sleep.


Benefits of sleeping on the left side:

1. Improves digestion

The stomach and the pancreas (which make digestive enzymes) are on the left side. When they are lying on their natural side, digestion can work properly. The right side is unnatural for these organs, which which will make the digestive tract having a hard time doing its job. When you lie on your left side, the food is encouraged to move through the stomach naturally and the pancreatic enzymes are released when they´re needed rather than being released all at once. That will happen more easily, than, when lying on the right side with the pull of gravity.


2. Helps you detox & supports lymphatic system

The left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic side (the body’s first detox system). While you’re sleeping on this side, your body will have more time to filter toxins, lymph fluid, and waste. The lymphatic system also carries important elements like proteins, glucose, metabolites and elements that must be filtered by the lymph nodes and that have to be drained to the left side. Furthermore, new research has found that sleeping on the left side can allow the body to clear waste chemicals from the brain more efficiently. In contrast, sleeping on your right side decreases the lymphatic system's efficacy.


3. Good for your hearth

As we know, the heart is on the left side of the body and through the simple act of sleeping on the left side, we will benefit its health in a simple and natural way — mostly thanks to the lymphatic system which cleanses easier in this position. Another aspect to consider is, that the aorta leaves our heart making an arc to the left in order to reach the abdomen. If we sleep on the left side, our heart will pump more easily and efficiently.


4. Better naps

In Ayurveda, it is a common practice to rest on the left side of the body after taking a heavy meal. Ayurveda suggests a short, ten-minute rest on the left side to help the body digest. You will wake up more energized and without a bellyache. Just give it a try!


5. Promotes spleen health

The spleen, which is also a basic part of the lymphatic system, is also on the left side. This organ is much like a gigantic lymph node, except that in addition to filtering lymph nodes it also filters blood. When you lie on the left side, drainage back to the spleen is once again supported by gravity. Sleeping on the left side, will also direct our fluids to the spleen in a simpler way, supporting the natural sense of gravity in our body.


6. When pregnant, improves blood flow to the fetus

Sleeping on the left side is often recommended during pregnancy. It prevents the uterus from applying pressure to the liver, it is beneficial to circulation, improves blood flow to the fetus, the uterus, and the kidneys. Plus, it takes pressure off the back, which may alleviate typical pregnancy-related back pain.


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